*We’re currently only allowing uploads of up to 12 samples at a time in order to be able to process everyone’s samples in a timely fashion. If you have a lot more samples, please consider using our scripts on your own server (https://mtokuyama.github.io/ERVmap/):
IMPORTANT information for sample names, MUST FOLLOW THESE GUIDELINES:
Rename your samples (S1, S2, S3 for sample1, sample 2, sample3)
For all single-end sample, the file name must end with “_SS.fastq.gz” (ex. S1_SS.fastq.gz)
For all pair-end sample, the file name must end with “_R1.fastq.gz” and “_R2.fastq.gz” (ex. S1_R1.fastq.gz and S1_R2.fastq.gz)
For all pair-end sample, R1 and R2 files must have the same sample name
Only upload ALL single-end files or ALL pair-end files, otherwise all of them will be compared together.
All pair-end files with multiple lanes must FIRST be merged before uploading. We will not merge the lanes for you. If you need help, please email us: ervmap@gmail.com